Monday, September 15, 2008

HATE it...Somebody broke in to my car during Moon Cake Festival...

Thr's no window 4 my car...
The Idiot who broke my window wid a big STONE.....
D glasses r everywher luckily d window's tinted or else my maid gt more job 2 clean up

When i trying 2 wipe d glasses out frm d cushion,it hurts my fingers til it bleeds...ish,blame on the IDIOT...*damn pissed off*
On last sat nite,had a bad night i ever had...i wil rmb tat day..i went bac to s'ban again 2 celebrate Moon Cake Festival since i gt nth 2 do in subang.I managed 2 finish half of my social psychology assignment. I reached bac thr in d eve,den go out dinner wid my frens.Went 2 citypark wid them and skate since so long didn't skate hence thr's is an even held thr..In conjunction wid tat,4 d Luv of d sport ,we promote along skating 2 d public...hahaha..den after tat decided 2 go trilogy as my fren asked,i park my car freaking far at d bac lane as no more car parks 4 my car,d bac lane cox kinda dark and creepy...After drinking,we decided 2 go bac,i fetched my fren bac,den he said tat my car did nt close window ar den i was wondering no ar,after few seconds..."SHIT" it tels me tat some1 muz hav broke in 2 my car,thr's a big stone inside my car tat being use 2 break d side mirror luckily it is tinted or else go alot of things 2 clean up.....i lost something precious 2 me....DAMN iT....Hate tat person who broke in my car,wish he wil ended up in an severe accident....if i noe who is him or related 2 me i surely BASH HIM up......*tears leaping as thk bac d thing tat i lost*

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