Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Nite...!!!

Last fri after my gym session, was kinda late, rush 2 fetch wei zhi as i'm nt sure wher was william' place (wher sue was thr).i thought william was her fren's hse or sumthing..ended up sue can't go out as it was kinda late...den go and fetch wei zhi den after tat go McD 2 take away 4 May yi, after tat go and fetch may yi in kepong.Was kinda late dy,supposingly may yi go out wid us bt ended up cox my fault den she can't go out as kinda late...den jux me,adeline and wei zhi onli go out...plan 2 go club,bt be4 tat,went 2 wei zhi's hse 2 change her sandals into high heels...Den go 2 Ming Tien in Pj 4 our dinner..after tat I decided 2 bring them 2 go coco banana as they didn't go thr be4..We don't plan 2 drink alcohol so we drank coke as i gt free frm d bartenders tat i noe,bring them in free as kinda close wid d security and bouncers....luckily they stil recognise me....haha..kinda pack d dance floor like sardines.i GT few pure whisky shot s frm my frens as bump in2 them bt no effect 2 me as use 2 it...Den after dancing,tired den go grab our drink...i went off awhile 2 chit chat wid my frens...den gt few UNCLES come and disturb adeline and weizhi,haha....ask them y so boring,and ask whther they want 2 join them 2 drink along or nt...Well the othr hand,gt 2 gals looking ovr at our table...1 of them keep staring me,erm kinda familiar,mybe we met up be4 in d interview session...den i oso stare at her bac in a very uncomfortable look...bout 2.45,we decided 2 leave as wei zhi's mum called and urged her go bac home as she wil be wrking 2mrw in IOI Mall,puchong..den on our way walking 2 my car,we heard tat a conversation frm a weird guy in costume talking in d hp saying "R u guys ready, and standby dy...(assuming as going 2 fight lol)" den we quickly move 2 our car and ciao........My eye was horrifying especially under d florescent light.

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